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Its time to unlock your hidden potential you've been hiding

Platinum Ultimate Confidence & Self-Esteem Package

This is a powerful 10-week package that works on your self-sabotaging behaviors that make you feel inadequate and not good enough, affecting your ability to receive and achieve the life you want. Over the 9 weeks we work intensively on removing the deep layers of self doubt and imposter syndrome that's been keeping you stuck, second guessing yourself and feeling deeply unworthy.


This is for you if-


  • Always second guessing & questioning yourself because you don't feel confident in your own abilities

  • Find it difficult to ask for what you want eg. money, business, pay rises, promotions, jobs, what you what in relationships, etc.

  • Difficulty in receiving because you feel bad, shame, guilt, or will be laughed at, scolded etc.

  • Don't like being seen or the center of attention out of fear, embarrassment, not feeling good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, pretty enough, thin enough etc.

  • Constant state of anxiety because you doubt yourself & feel judged

  • Feeling like you don't belong & are an outsider

  • Feeling like you are always stuck and everyone else has it "better" than you

  • Fear you will be "discovered" for being a fake/fraud

  • Feeling guilt & shame around who you are/your past

  • Not feeling loveable, worthy and deserving of success

  • Unable to start the business, attract clients or money because you feel something is blocking you


What I've found working with clients over the years is there are 7 core self-esteem wounds that block you from receiving 


  1. Not feeling Worthy

  2. Not feeling Good Enough

  3. Not feeling Loveable

  4. Not feeling Valuable

  5. Feeling Guilt & Shame around who you are/your past

  6. What you desire/want can't happen for you, it happens to "other" people (you feel different/an outsider)

  7. Not allowing yourself to be seen &/or heard (avoids attention at all costs)


During our 10 weeks together we work on the subconscious, nervous system and heart coherence to remove what's been holding you back from achieving the life you want.


Over the years, I have tried so many different modalities and some worked better than others, but what I found in order to heal the deep wounds that block us, you have to go deep into the root cause, and remove the feelings around that wound, otherwise they keep popping up like weeds in various different forms that sabotage your efforts. I have pioneered my own unique method that incorporates Subconscious Healing Therapy, HeartMath Coherence and Nervous System Imprinting that works on a deep energetic level to heal these wounds and limiting beliefs. 


What's Included:


Initial Intake Session 


We go deep and uncover what you want to work on, your history, blocks and patterns and get clear on what your ideal outcome will be. We will deep dive into your Human Design to see your deign type and how best you operate for maximum results.


4 Subconscious Healing Therapy Sessions 


These are deeply transformational sessions work to get to the root of what is causing you to self sabotage and push what you desire away. With each session you will be made a personalised evening sleep meditation that will work to program your subconscious mind on a deep level, while you sleep that reinforces the work we do in the subconscious healing therapy sessions.


Genetic Reprogramming Session


Our body is a complete pharmacy and under the right conditions and environment it can be programmed to heal itself. Genetic reprogramming is a like a gentle guided meditation with specific prompting to activate your DNA and Epigenetics at a cellular level which will help with any blocks or limiting beliefs that have been stored in the body and nervous system. You will receive 1 session plus a recording to listen to complete the sequence. 


Coaching Sessions


You will receive two forty-five-minute coaching sessions to help you reinforce the work we are doing and keep you on-track. This includes Human Design Embodiment Integration 


Voxer Support


You will receive on-going voxer support Monday to Friday throughout our time together to help you stay on track and reinforce all the changes. You can ask questions, gain clarity and stay motivated to take aligned action towards your goals. 




For a limited time only* this platinum package is available at a special price. This experience is truly transformational and has helped so many people all over the world. At the moment there is a special pricing on offer for $1,200 AUD with spaces limited. There is also a split payment plan option available 


Subconscious Healing Therapy 

Subconscious Healing Therapy is my own modality I have been crafting and perfecting over the years. Subconscious Healing Therapy or SHT incorporates advanced cognitive restructuring, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Inner child healing, Heart Coherence, Neuroscience, Breathwork and Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP). It works to get to the root cause of the block or limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your desires, releasing it and replacing it with a new pattern of thought. Whether its money, love, success, relationships or business SHT can help. It works rapidly and in only a few sessions to achieve extraordinary, permanant results. 



Often times in our lives we can feel lost, inadequate and not sure how to get back on track. Therapy and the right practitioner can help you in uncovering recurring patterns of behaviour that are not helpful to you or even what's blocking you from achieving your goals. I help my clients through a variety of methods with a person-centered holistic approach. This means I don't use a "one-size" fits all technique. I infuse a science, evidence based approach with spiritual aspects to help you change old patterns and reimagine a new way of being. My focus area is self-esteem & confidence, love & relationships, couples, anxiety, grief, burnout, stress, career change. 

You are worthy right now in this moment. Mentorship is a longer term investment into your souls unfurling and becoming what you desire to be. My mentorship packages range from 6 weeks to 3 months, depending on your goals. Mentorship is design so you have consistent support to help you move quicker through blocks and towards your goals. Mentorship is designed to move you fast and is more goal orientated, rather than therapeutic, although you do have access to my entire therapeutic toolbox of change. If your interested in longer term support and mentorship sounds like something your interested in, please email me to discuss what package is best suited to your needs. Please note, I don't conduct "sales calls" or use pushy techniques to get you to sign up with me. I prefer human connection and getting to know you and what your about, that way we can both see if I am the right fit for you. 

Contact Us


Albury, NSW 2640


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Opening Hours


1:00 pm – 4:00 pm


11:00 am – 6:00 pm


11:00 am – 6:00 pm


11:00 am – 6:00 pm


11:00 am – 2:00 pm

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